Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday's Squats and Deadlifts

I managed to get my 3 Squat days in this week and I feel like a badass...

5x bar
5x 135
5x5 with 235

5x3 with 325

Squats felt good,  my knees shot forward on my last 3 reps of my last set.  Deadlifts didn't feel as good as they have been.  Seemed to have trouble activating my hamstrings.  Could be due to doing squats before deadlifts.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

Sundays Workout

Great workout today.

10x bar
10x 135
5x5 with 185

Strict OHP
10x bar
5x5 with 95

Failed last rep of the last set...just couldn't do it.  I would like to see my OHP go up substantially.  Still feel like a great rest for the next 2 days...and then...Squats.  If I have time I would really like to do deadlifts also.

This is what work felt like today...

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Saturdays Workout

In the spirit of squatting 3x a week I warmed up with 5x5 with 135 on the bar.  legs are still sore from Thursday, so I concentrated on form and proper depth.

The Main workout:
Deadlifts...I fucking LOVE deadlifts...

5 reps 135
5 reps 225
5x3 with 315

Not but a few months ago 315 went up once...barely...405 is just around the corner.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Thursdays workout:

Good workout today.  Had to do it quickly but that made it feel even better.

Light warm up followed by some stretching
5x5 with 225

Got all of this done in just under 25 minutes.  Pushed pretty hard and it felt really good.  I'm going to be squatting 3x a week for a while.  Need to drop some fat before I can start eating for my goal....

Oh and this is what 15 pounds of bacon curing looks like...

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

New Kicks

Been wanting a set of these for a while.  My socks have been getting rallied in the gym lifting without shoes.  Not real Chucks...Faded Glory baby...also priced out materials for my new Power Rack from Lowes.  Fucking work getting in the way... can't start on it until next week...

Current PR's

Its official... I'm a pussy...  235lbs.  360 DL, 275 Squat, 225 Bench.  Ill keep PR's updated as they become less...pussyish...

70's Big

So Iv'e decided.  70's big it is.  Time for a power rack and the inspiration of a friend I've become interested in power lifting.  Anyone who knows me knows that I do everything overboard...This is my journey.