Monday, May 28, 2012

To all you MotherFuckers.....

There is absolutely nothing "Happy" about today.  Kiss my ass.  One more person tells me happy Memorial day and I'm punching them in their fucking face!!!  You remember this picture and remember it well...this is Memorial day for the countless wives that have lost their husbands, the mothers their sons, sisters their brothers and family their protectors.....this is in fact NOT a happy day... if you know, or are among the 10% of Americans who have served their country, and survived, I beg you.  Remember your friends who are not here. Honor them.  Tonight, I drink to you.  Tonight I drink to contemplate why you and not me.  Tonight I drink...  For all of the families, I am your pain.  I am your sorrow.  I understand... You are not alone.

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